Anjana S
Anjana S
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Anjana S




Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose as much as possible. People who follow a vegan lifestyle do not consume meat, dairy, eggs, or any other animal-derived ingredients, and they also do not use products made from animals, such as leather, wool, and silk. Instead, they rely on plant-based alternatives for food and other products.

Some people choose to be vegan for ethical reasons, to reduce their environmental impact, or for health reasons. There are many delicious and nourishing vegan options available, and it is possible to get all the nutrients the body needs while following a vegan diet. It is important for vegans to be aware of potential nutrient deficiencies and to plan their diets carefully to ensure they are getting enough nutrients.

The concept of veganism, which involves abstaining from using animal products, has a long history dating back to ancient India and Greece. However, the modern vegan movement began in the 1940s, when a group of vegetarians in England formed the Vegan Society.

These vegetarians, who included Donald Watson, Elsie Shrigley, and Mrs. Fay K. Henderson, sought to create a more comprehensive form of vegetarianism that went beyond just avoiding meat. They coined the term "vegan" to describe this way of living, which they defined as "the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals."

The Vegan Society was officially founded in November 1944, and its members began to promote a vegan lifestyle and promote plant-based alternatives to animal products. Today, veganism has gained widespread popularity and is followed by people all over the world.

Regardless of the reasons for choosing a vegan lifestyle, it is important to ensure that a vegan diet is properly planned and balanced in order to meet all of the body's nutritional needs. It may be necessary to supplement the diet with certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12, which is found almost exclusively in animal-derived foods. With careful planning and attention to nutrition, it is possible for vegans to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.